Monday Motivation #63 (7/26/2021)

Katy Luchini Colbry
2 min readOct 1, 2021

Happy Monday!

When I was a kid, my siblings and I had a daily chore chart in the summers. Now that I’m a parent, I can see that those chores were partially to give structure to our day and partially to help tame the chaos that children create! However, at the time I was mostly focused on the star stickers that we earned for each completed task. At the end of the week, if we had earned enough stars, Mom took us to the local ice cream store.

The Dietsch brothers made all of the ice cream and candy they sold, and my favorite treat was peanut butter ice cream in a classic “cake” cone. Even now, I have vivid memories of the taste of the ice cream and the crunch of the cone. I always made time for a Dietsch’s visit (or two!) when I came back to my hometown as an adult, and even figured out how to pack up ice cream with enough dry ice to stay frozen on the way back to Michigan.

I’ve been thinking about that “sweet” tradition (pun intended!) as August looms on my calendar and we start making plans for a new academic year. My kids are determined to make the most of every summer day, and so we’ve visited a lot of parks, and watched a lot of movies, and done a lot of puzzles, and eaten a LOT of ice cream lately. I’ve found a pretty good peanut butter fudge ice cream at Meijer’s that’s almost as good as Dietsch’s, and I’m trying to appreciate the simple joys of summer while the season lasts.

This week, I’m sharing some fun stories about summer traditions across the globe — and a list of places to find ice cream in greater Lansing! 😊


Three Things to Try This Week

Read — Ice cream seems to take center stage in a lot of childhood memories, especially for folks who grew up in the US. Enjoy this compilation of photos and stories about ice cream from across the nation.

Learn — Summer is a time of traditions and celebrations around the world; learn more about a few of them here.

Enjoy — Find your own sweet, cool, summer treat here.

More Resources

  • Evaluators are still needed to help with Mid-SURE this week. Sign up to provide feedback on a handful of undergraduate research posters and build your resume while giving back!
  • First- and second-year students who are interested in applying for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship this fall should register to participate in the GRFP Workshop hosted by the MSU AGEP program.
  • Learn more about the changes to MSU’s Student Information System (SIS) and how these transitions may impact the way you register for classes, view your schedule, access your bill, and more.



Katy Luchini Colbry

wanted to send a few supportive emails to her students, but ended up with a weekly blog. Follow along to see how long it takes her to run out of stories….